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The Abandoned

In October, I went on perhaps one of the most exciting of adventures yet. I took a dear friend of mine into the "Sorta Better Lit Forest" located in Northern Rhydin. One of these days, I will post a map of where my adventures have taken me for you all to go check out yourself.

In this forest, I found two amazing places that aren't that far from each other after you follow abandoned railroad tracks and come to the end where there's some abandoned rail cars. You can go to the left and visit a long abandoned amusement park with swings, swan boats, ferris wheel, etc. Or, you can keep going straight and cross over a bridge and voila, you are in an abandoned town.

Now, I am sorry to say, the adventure I had going into the abandoned town is unlikely to happen again as I can't fully explain what it was that happened except that my friend and I were absorbed by a portal that sent us back in time to the 1920s era of this town. It turned out that inside the abandoned bank, a man created a portal that allowed the people of this town to live their lives as if they were still living. There had been some tragic accident that happened which had killed everyone in the town and they were restless spirits until he created this portal and stored it inside the bank. He used a door knob of pure iron to try and deter anyone from getting inside and unleashing his portal. Unfortunately, that was exactly what we did.

We spent the rest of the night having to hunt trolls that passed through the portal along side a pack of Dire Wolves that were part of the era. There were only 3-4 trolls, but after hunting them down, we had to find the portal in order to ensure nothing else would pass through. We went through the portal and got back to our time, but rather than place the portal back inside the bank, my friend dealt with it and made it so the portal would never be found again.

I have to admit, hunting along side a pack of Dire Wolves was pretty damn fun though.

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